June 30, 2013

My father

I wanted to take a little bit of time right now to pay tribute to my dad.  Here's a little background on my relationship with my dad:
My dad has always been a very hard worker. When I was little he was a farmer. When I got a little older he was a farmer and worked at a local car dealership. Along with this he has been involved in numerous organizations and is even an elder at the church I was raised in and still attend. Because of this he was not necessarily home all the time. I remember there being days at a time where I would not see him because he would get home after I went to bed and leave before I woke up in the morning. I never had a close relationship with my father. Maybe because he wasn't around all the time. Maybe because I was a timid child. Maybe numerous other things that don't really matter now. While I may not have been close to my dad, I knew without a doubt that he loved and still loves me very much. I may not talk to him a whole lot, but if I ever need a hug, he is the first one to squeeze me till I can't breathe :-). I thank God for the dad he gave me.
Over the past year I have seen a spiritual growth in my father that has been amazing to watch. I've seen God working in his life. I know it has been a challenge for him, but he has embraced that challenge, and now he inspires me more than ever in my walk with God. God has used my dad to give me words of wisdom and encouragement over the past year. I have to admit that it kinda surprised me, but I am so thankful for it. I'm excited to see how God is going to continue to use my dad. I am so thankful God has allowed my relationship with my dad to grow, also. We may not talk all the time, but I think we are very similar. (I definitely get my sense of humor from him. :-) )
In all that, I just want to say that I love you, Dad, and I'm very thankful that you are my dad. I wouldn't trade you for anything. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Nor would I trade any you girls for anything! Sometimes, maybe always, we need to wrestle with God over who has first place in our life. That point was a year ago in Mexico. The question was possed, "Do I love God more than my children and grand children?". On the surface that might be easy to say "yes". but God knows are heart even better than we do. Well that Thursday night I wrestled with God over that question, after many tears and not sure how many hours, it came to like as Peter said, "Lord You know my heart", I do love You, I surrender my children and grand children to you.
    God can do amazing things in us when we fully surrender to Him. That is what He wants, that is what He requires, thatis what we must be willing to give Him.
    I do believe God was gracious to me in allowing me to go Mexico first and get that settled, before you went. Is it easy to give up our children and grand children? No way! Was the Fathers sacrifice of His son for us easy? No way! He is not asking us to do anything more than He was willing to do for us, for me!
